#TwitterSuccess—How Can You Find It? | Social Joey

According to an article in the Washington Post, there are more than 321 million monthly users on Twitter. That means there are a ton of opportunities to market your small business.

While social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are great in their own right, there is something about marketing your small business on Twitter.

But like every other platform, Twitter is unique—and it requires a unique mindset and strategy.

Not sure exactly how to tweet effectively? No worries! Our social media gurus at Social Joey will have you tweeting like you have never tweeted before!

What’s Tweeting Got to Do With It?

For some reason, Twitter is a social platform that seems to bring about a lot of fear in businesses. Whether it’s because of the use of hashtags or the fact that you only have so many characters to get your point across, Twitter can be an extremely intimidating social media platform, especially if you are just getting started and don’t tweet already through a personal account.

Fortunately, we know a thing or two (or three or four) about how to use Twitter. Let’s take a look at ways you can tackle this social media platform and grow your business even further.

Know Your Strategy

As with any social media campaign you create, you have to have a strategy in mind. Without a strategy, you are just flying (or should we say posting) blind, which is never a good plan.

Make sure you know what your goals are for your Twitter account. Are you wanting to gain customer trust? Are you looking to generate new leads and/or sales? What about bringing attention to a new product or service you are selling or providing?

When you have these goals in mind, then you can move forward with creating your business Twitter profile and creating content.

Seize the Power of the Hashtag

Do hashtags leave you completely confused? You aren’t alone! If you aren’t accustomed to using hashtags, you likely need a guide to understand the basics.

First things first, a hashtag is simply a word or phrase with the hashtag symbol in front of it. #EasyEnough, right?

But you don’t want to just throw any old words together and add a tag. You want to be certain you are tagging strategically, using words and phrases that someone within your target audience might legitimately search for on Twitter.

There are many ways to use hashtags for your business while posting on Twitter. For instance, if you are trying to get information out about an event, you might decide to create and use an event-specific hashtag. That has a couple different benefits—for one, it makes information easy to find for your attendees and audience (since they can simply search for the tag) and it groups together all information so that it can be easily looked through or reviewed at a later time.

Here are some other ways to make sure you are using hashtags in the best way possible:

Hashtag With Purpose

You want to make sure your hashtag is relevant to the topic you are writing. Don’t just throw any old tag on a post. There’s a reason for that.

When you use too broad of a hashtag (like for example, #family), you run the risk of getting lost in a ginormous number of posts using that tag. That doesn’t make your post findable for your audience.

Therefore, be sure you are using targeted hashtags that are on topic with whatever you’re posting about. So, for example, if you’re sharing an article about ways to teach your kids about money, you might incorporate the hashtag #parenting and the hashtag #moneylessons.

Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

It is true. You can have too much chocolate. Too much caffeine. And #you #can #definitely #have #too #many #hashtags.

You want to limit the number of hashtags in your tweet to two or three at maximum in most all circumstances. That’s for two reasons—first, your post becomes virtually unreadable when there are too many tags breaking the content. And second, you’re targeting too many different things if you’re trying to drop in a large number of hashtags.

While you want to be unique in your hashtags and specific, you also want to make sure you are using the hot hashtags to your advantage!

When you’re posting, regularly take a look at the “trending” hashtags for your area and the nation in general. These can help you see what’s gathering attention—and when it’s appropriate and your business has something to add, you can join in on the conversation.

Keep It Simple

Remember when Twitter limited your posts to 140 characters? It was CRAZY hard to get a message across in just 140 characters.

So, you likely heard the sighs of relief from the business community when the limit increased to 280 characters. It’s much easier to post something relevant and engaging with more characters to work with.

But that said—tweets should still be short and snappy. In most cases, you don’t want to use up the characters you’re allotted. That’s because while you’re allowed more characters, your audience on Twitter is still reading the message really quickly and then scrolling to the next tweet.

So be thoughtful when creating tweets and ensure your content is eye-catching and makes readers want to learn more by clicking the link or looking at the image.

There’s another good reason for that, too. Ideally, you want to be creating tweets that people within your audience (and those who find your post organically) want to retweet and add their own comment to. Leaving some characters unused will allow them the space they need to RT successfully.

Are You Ready to Focus on Twitter?

So are you starting to feel better about tackling Twitter? It is definitely a social media platform that can allow you to grow your business even more by boosting sales and increasing traffic to your website.

Now, it is time to get those followers! Let our social media team put a plan in place to help you find success on this platform and others. That’s what we’re here for!

Are you ready to start tweeting away? Let our social media team at Social Joey handle your tweets, hashtags and everything in between in order to get your brand out there and growing!