Does your Social Media Content Marketing Include Video? | Social Joey

Video has become the fastest growing online medium, and businesses and franchises with savvy social media strategies have embraced the video trend. However, consumption of online video is much different than traditional television advertising.

Here’s a high-level review of how to successfully incorporate video content into your brand’s social strategy:

1. Develop your overall message.

As with any marketing initiative, online video content should have clearly defined goals: What product or service are you introducing to current and potential customers, and what specific action (e.g., visit your website, make a purchase, etc.) do you want your audience to take?

2. Identify your audiences.

Although television advertising permits some degree of demographic targeting, one of the greatest benefits of social media content marketing is the laser- focused targeting that most platforms offer. To take advantage of this, tease out the specifics of your overall message that will be relevant for specific sub-markets and target these specialized messages accordingly.

3. Adjust for different platforms.

Users on each social media platform have unique expectations for the tone, content, and delivery of video on that platform. Adjust your message delivery to meet those expectations.

Clearly, there’s much more to discuss on the topic of integrating video into your social strategy! Stay tuned for additional blogs, where we’ll delve deeper into each of the three steps listed above.

For more information about social media content strategy, including video, contact the experts at Social Joey today!